Tesco Vee's WAY USA (Episode 2: Niagara Falls)
Based on his love for the "War of the Superbikes" album MTV producer Peter Laurr approached me about doing a wacky travelogue style show that would be shot entirely in Super 8. We shot 2 episodes including the now widely-circulated Baltimore episode. But we also went to Niagara Falls NY. And I think we were really starting to hit stride in this episode.
A couple scenes are blurry as there was no playback on Super 8, so we had no clue what it looked like until that night in the motel. We snuck into Love Canal and were chased out by security. We were denied admission to Canada when the border guards saw our script (Canadians are not our friends. Canadians are freaks of nature).
That's cool we got in anyway a few checkpoints later. Costume shopping with Tabitha Soren, meeting John Waters... My brief and I'll fated foray as a TV star wasn't meant to be. But GODDAMN it was fun while it lasted!
Ladies and gents, At long last - Episode 2 of Way USA!